Layla Messner at one with the mountains, photograph by Kelly's Perpspective


Resources to awaken you to Instinctual living. Thrive in harmony with your body and brain. Neuro-affirming & trauma-informed.

Autistic Welcome Guide (FREE)

Congratulations, you're Autistic! Now what?!? In this (100% Unnoffical) Welcome Guide, I share the 5 things I wish I knew when I was first diagnosed.

Serenity Sanctuary ($7)

Craving some space? Facing too many demands, too much pressure? There’s a place you can go to recharge... Welcome to your Serenity Sanctuary!
Manage stimulation and overwhelm with this guided meditation pack.

Confidence Codex ($27)

Tired of trying to fit yourself into a box? Feel like you're constantly apologizing for your natural traits and limits? Join me on a 12-day online journey to find authentic confidence.

NeuroTHRIVE (Coming soon…)

Thrive according to your nature! A comprehensive lifestyle plan to start living in harmony with your body and brain. Follow @laylamessner on Insta to find out when the waitlist opens.

Instinct Activation (FREE)

My Gift to You: A 20-minute guided meditation to connect with your Inner Animal and awaken your instincts. Listen daily to re-wild and strengthen your connection with yourself.